Meet Team Authority Brand: Alden

A portrait of our Technical and Automations Specialist, Alden, wearing a blue button up shirt.

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Bringing Authority Brand’s vision to life and helping hundreds of business owners all across the nation wouldn’t be possible without our global team of rockstars. From the marketing department, this Staff Spotlight goes to…

*drum roll please*

Alden Zuck – Technical & Automations Specialist

Staff Spotlight: Meet Alden 


Favorite Food: Sesame Chicken

Favorite Movie: Hacksaw Ridge

Alden’s tech-savvy personality has earned him the nickname of “The Wiz” among our global team. Alden is constantly working to improve our SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) to make things more efficient and effective for both our team and members. Alden is a pro at balancing creative solutions with data-driven insights. 

A fun fact about Alden is that he’s a bit of an outdoorsman. On the weekends, you can find him fishing, camping, or floating down the rivers of Tennessee. 

What Sets Authority Brand apart?

Alden has been with Authority Brand since 2021 and continues to grow in his leadership skills, mentoring our junior team members and coordinating cross-functionally to ensure we’re all on the same page from marketing to sales and member support. According to Alden, this is what sets AB apart from others in the industry:

AB is the only company I’ve worked at that has given me the flexibility and trust to use my entrepreneurial drive on a daily basis. They understand that in order to grow and provide top-of-the-line services that consistently stay competitive and make a massive impact, they need to give their team the ability to challenge themselves and take ownership of their role. AB stays true to its core mission, vision, and values.

Ready to Transform Your Authority Brand?

Are you a business owner looking to offload all your content marketing and social media so you can focus on growing your business?

Are you a creative professional with a “whatever it takes” mindset who’s ready to fearlessly challenge the norm? Send us a message. Even if we don’t have any present openings, we’ll keep your resume on file and reach out in the future if you look like a good fit!

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